Cleaning Up

This week I’ve been doing a lot of cleaning…cleaning out, throwing away… you can imagine how it goes. It’s important to keep things orderly to prevent undue stress, and for me that means getting rid of things that are cluttering up my desk, my inbox, and the places that I spend time with God. I know God wants to speak to me, but if I have a thousand things stacked up in front of me that need attention, it’s really hard to hear! So, I’m putting things in order so I can see and hear what God has for me. He is doing cool stuff ALL THE TIME and I don’t want to miss it! The God of the universe, who made brown cows eat green grass under a blue sky only to give red meat, yellow butter and white milk, that creative God of rainbows, and waterfalls, and platypuses – or platypi? – has set us up to experience His creative majesty all through the days we walk on earth. I have found one of the biggest problems with my personal evangelism is not that I don't tell people about Jesus, it's that I don't label the miracles I see around me every day. – Little stuff that we miss when our lives are cluttered with cares and concerns that we don’t take care of. God just loves blessing his children, and our testimony will shine when we take out the trash!

The way I learned this lesson was through a piece of toast. One day I dropped a piece of toast, and it landed on the floor – butter side up! Yes! I thanked the Lord for my little miracle, and now I tell people all the time – give God credit for all the good He is doing in your life. All of it! And keep your life uncluttered, so you can see ALL of God’s goodness clearly!

I hope you are encouraged today! Be blessed in the Name of Jesus!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Rocky,

Great posting! You are awesome! I gave the old barnacle a copy of your last posting "God I Don't Know."

Unknown said...

I know you have been going through Daniel lately. A question: What are your thoughts on Daniel 9:27? And what are your thoughts on the beginning of the 3 1/2 years? The word is super clear on the last 3 1/2 years starting at the Abomonation of Deslolation(2 Thes 3)but is unclear about an actual beginning for the first 3 1/2.

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